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James River Run-N-Fun was held on September 24, 2016, at Robious Landing Park. The Capstone, organized and implemented by Seniors Avery Fletcher and Cameron Donaldson, aimed to benefit Change the World RVA, a local nonprofit that provides aid for teenagers in Richmond facing homelessness or housing instability.

The event, which lasted from 10am-2pm, included a 5K trail run, chalk art contest, raffles, and a variety of yard games. DJ Greg Gillis provided fantastic music all day, and event goers enjoyed gourmet burgers from the Carytown Burgers and Fries food truck.

Forty-five runners came out to enjoy the beautiful day and trails, with prizes from Fleet Feet Sports and Peak Experiences awarded to the top six finishers. James River’s own Mrs. Duvall made an appearance to judge the chalk art contest! Certificates donuts from Sugar Shack were given to the top three artists.

Over $1,600 was raised in to be given to Change the World RVA, which will go a long way in helping them provide the necessary support for their students. A custom set of Change the World RVA cornhole boards was also gifted to the organization, courtesy of some caring community members. In addition, the event also provided something invaluable to the kids at Change the World RVA--an opportunity to enjoy a day just for them, filled with fun, games, new friends, and an outpouring of community love and support.

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