Write for Rights VA: Capstone Project
Write for Rights RVA, organized by senior Caitlin Glauser, was an event on changing the world. Each year, Amnesty International chooses cases of human rights violations worldwide and people unite to write on their behalf--to get them the justice they deserve and have not received. A founding event of Amnesty International, this campaign draws in people from all over the world and it works. Over the years, many political prisoners have been freed, justice has been received, and change has been made.

Discovering a passion for this project in her junior year of high school, Caitlin spent months planning this day of letter writing and, with many people coming to her aid, succeeded in having a total of 210 letters written. Write for Rights RVA took place on January 13th from 1pm-5pm at Art 180 with Andrew Fandino, the Senior Program Officer of Amnesty International’s Individuals At Risk Program, sharing his experience with the organization at 3pm. With an estimated fifty to sixty people in attendance, many candles were lit in a tribute to those whose voices are being silenced and memories were made that will last a lifetime.