You've Been Ask'd: Capstone Project
The neighbors of Woodlake joined together during the month of September, which is also childhood cancer awareness month, in this fun and compassionate display that supports the ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation. ASK stands for Assistance, Support, and Kindness provided to families that have a child who is dealing with cancer.
With a $25 donation to the ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation residents receive:
A yard full of Goldie Bear “You’ve Been Ask’d” signs – signifying your support of childhood cancers – for 3 days.
Yellow ribbon & bow around your mailbox displayed throughout the month of September.
Signature Goldie Bear.
The opportunity to “ASK” a neighbor
The neighbor who received the ASKing would then choose another resident of Woodlake, donate the $25, and the signs would move into that neighbors yard three days later. We tried to involve as many families in the neighbor as possible through a fun, flocking yard celebration and successfully raised over $16,000 for the ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation! Thank you Peyton for implementing this worthwhile project.