Full STEAM Ahead: Capstone Project
Growing up as a kid, Lauren Hart always knew that she wanted to be a teacher. Now that she is a Senior in the Center for Leadership and International Relations, she had the opportunity to further explore her dreams with her Capstone, Full STEAM Ahead. Lauren developed and implemented Full STEAM Ahead, a seven-week long science program for second grade students at Spring Run Elementary School, and was able to create fun, hands on science experiments and activities for the students. Throughout Full STEAM Ahead, 18 students and 9 high school mentors performed fun experiments like growing seeds and potting succulents, completing a scavenger hunt, and an egg drop. The SRES students formed a close relationship with the mentors and became more interested in STEAM topics throughout the 7 weeks. Lauren is so proud of the outcome and is so thankful for the opportunity to help out her community.