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Leadership Innovation Lab Class

In Mr. Couillard's Leadership Innovation Lab, the juniors have recently completed their midterm exam. As the in-class portion of the exam and to culminate the various subjects discussed during the first semester, these students participated in an Ethics Bowl. Using official topics presented by the National Ethics Bowl, the juniors formed teams to take a stance on controversial issues. Because the "debate" was based on topics with various viewpoints, neither team could be considered right or wrong. They were graded on how well they defended their position as well as how strong they could make their platform. Inspired by this first time experience, Mr. Couillard has entered James River High School Leadership in the regional Ethics Bowl to be held on January 23 at Collegiate School. These students are very excited to showcase what they have learned not only in Mr. Couillard's class, but also in Ms. Stewart's Communications class and Mr. Doyle's Perspective elective.


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