Capstone Project: Father/Daughter Dance
On March 20, 2015 the first He’s My Date Father Daughter Dance took place at James River High School. This event was created by Jalah Townsend, a senior in the Center for Leadership and International Relations at James River High School. The goal of this event was to “assist in building relationships between fathers and their daughters as well as save lives through donation to the American Heart Association” as stated by Jalah Townsend. With the assistance of generous donations from Chik-fil-a and Martin's, this event was a huge success. When asked how this event became so successful, Townsend placed the credit on the support of the Specialty Center in which she is apart of, James River High School, family, friends and her advisors. Jalah states, “Without them, this would not have been possible.” Through this event, the American Heart Association will be expecting to receive approximately $500, a personal goal of Ms. Townsend’s. Though Ms. Townsend credits her success to those who supported her, her mother credits this success to “her {Jalah’s} hard work, dedication and passion.”